Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Only Famous One

I recall my child's response upon hearing the news that we would be featuring their cheerful, child-like voices on an upcoming CD.  It went something like, "Really!  Now I will be FAMOUS!"  Well, not quite, dear.  

Upon further reflection of this alleged fame, it is true that lately I've been spending a good bundle of time getting the name of our ministry "out there" -- which I suppose could be interpreted as fame-seeking in it's loosest sense.  For good or bad, making new friends is the name of the game when it comes to the world of marketing, of which I've immersed myself in for the past 6+ months.  That fact will not surprise those on our email list (subscribe HERE!) or those who regularly see Facebook posts of sales, video sharing contests, newsy items, lyric videos, FREE STUFF!, blog articles.......and the list goes on.  We rest heavily on the Lord for His timing and will, yet long to be good stewards of our growing collection of music -- the physical commodities which hold years of testifying of the sweet taste of our Lord's goodness.  As much as marketing may seem like fame-seeking, may ours only succeed insomuch as we make our Great God famous!

Which leads me to my kitchen stove top.....

Above this well-frequented place in my home hangs a chalk board with a verse that I can't bring myself to replace quite yet.  Why?  Because daily I am reminded of the stark and glorious truth that there is only One Famous Person.  While the broccoli steams and the spaghetti noodles soften, I am reminded that the Lord's Name "endures forever" and His fame "throughout all generations".  Being that I can only remember the names, much less anything more, of just two of my great-grandparents (yeah, I'm not so much into genealogies), I'm pretty confident that my name will soon be forgotten after but a few generations.  Yet, the Name and fame of our Great God will span all of time and will someday be the great Topic of Heaven.  His fame will never cease to tarnish on into eternity.  PRAISE HIM!  

So, here at Forever Be Sure we will keep on seeking new friends -- friends who share our passion to make HIM famous in our small circles, as we live out our short lives.  "Your Name, O Lord, endures forever."  Psalm 135:13